Sunday, September 28, 2014

My beginning...

In order for you to understand why I am doing this blog, I must first go back and explain how and why this all began....

About three months after the birth of my son, I began to see drastic changes in my body.  I had just spend the last two years pregnant and giving birth to the two most beautiful creatures in the entire world, my daughter and then my son.  And although I had lost all my pregnancy weight rapidly after my son, it all began to come back and at a rapid pace.  I was unable to hide this extra weight the way I had always been able to....stuffing my stomach under the band of my pants, sucking in my stomach, wearing shirts that accentuated all the good parts while hiding the not so good parts.  So, I began to accept this.  I told myself "this was the body of a mother of two."  "This is what your body is now."  As I began to grow out of my clothes and into more loose, comfortable clothes more excuses came.  "I don't need to wear this, I'm a mother now."  The latter is what I told myself when I had to get rid of my bikinis.  And it wasn't until after I did this that I finally realized that these were all just excuses.  I mean, honestly, I could care less about wearing a bikini or not...
.but shouldn't I feel like I have the option to wear and be comfortable in whatever I want.  Shouldn't I be comfortable in my own skin?  I wanted to be comfortable.  I wanted to love myself.  I needed to be healthy.

I got turned on to a Beachbody program by a fellow sorority sister.  I had been watching her posts on Facebook for the last 2 months about how she and her husband had been getting healthy and losing weight.  What did I have to lose?  I had once been told, you can't give up on something unless you have tried everything.  This program was called 21 Day Fix.  It combines clean eating and portion control with working out for 30 minutes every day.  So I began.  At the time, I just saw myself as working a program....just looking to lose the extra weight.  But I ended up gaining so much more.   I don't want to say the program turned my life upside down, but more like it turned my life right side up.  I started eating healthy, I started exercising, and I started losing the weight.  And before I knew it, I was at 60 days successfully clean eating and exercising.  And I was excited about it.  Every person that commented on my slimmer shape I wanted to exuberantly shout about the program and how amazing it was.  Then I was approached about becoming a coach, and helping others reach their health goals by motivating and inspiring them the way my coach had.  So, why not?  I have time to give.  I have experiences to share.  I have missteps and successes that I can share with others to help them on their journey.  My weight loss program had morphed into a health journey before my eyes.

Now, 3 months later and 19 pounds healthier, I am ready to share my stories.  I am ready to share what has been a pitfall for me, and what has been successful for me.  I am ready to share these wonderful Beachbody programs and opportunities for getting healthy with others.  But my real passion, is the cooking.  I am ready to share recipes for clean eating that have been truly amazing.  You see, I am not super woman and do not have the time or drive to cook different meals for different members of my family.  I needed meals that met my needs, but also those of my two babies and my husband.  I needed to find a way to make clean eating for the every day family.  I take comfort meals and make them clean.  I find ways to use groceries found in most kitchens and typical grocery stores.  I am making clean eating approachable and appetizing.  So welcome to my blog.  Come on in, read, share, stay a while.  I hope you enjoy stumbling your way through this health journey with me.  I am not an expert in any way.  I am just a person trying to figure out the best choices for me and my family.  Every day is a new day for me to be better than I was the day before.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What an incredible change! You are such a great hope to those people who are looking for an inspiration to lose weight. It seems that the program you have mentioned and clean healthy food eating are very effective. It is not only successful in reducing weight, but it gives your body a sexier look. Amazing! Thank you for sharing that!

    Dwight Osborne @ NYHealth And Wellness
