Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Clean Sloppy Joes

I love the old, comfort favorites.  Especially the meals that you associate with growing up.  As a new mom myself, I am determined to introduce my kids to those same comforts and joys that I experienced. Sloppy Joes, being one of them.  What American kid growing up did not get to enjoy the awesomeness that is.....The Sloppy Joe???  But in true clean fashion, I assure you, you will enjoy this comfort classic...but without all the unnecessary fat, sugar, and salt.

1 pound lean ground meat (I prefer Turkey) (4 reds)
1/2 green bell pepper diced (1/2 green)
1/2 onion diced (1/2 green)
1-14.5 ounce can no salt added tomato sauce (2 purples or greens) (I always have canned whole tomatoes on hand, so I just blend it up first, then add it)
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon chili powder
2 teaspoons worchestershire (low sodium if you have it)
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup (or raw honey)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper

Cook the ground meat.  Drain if necessary.  Add pepper and onion to the meat and saute until the veggies start to soften (about 5-7 minutes).  Add the tomatoes and all seasonings.  Cover with a lid and simmer for 25-30 minutes.  Serve on buns or over mashed potatoes or cauliflower.

Yield:  4 servings

**Clean and 21 Day Fix Approved**
1 serving counts as 1 red, 1 green, 1 tsp of honey (Count yellows depending on what you serve it on.)

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